Add Student Group Type
Screen Description
The Add Student Group Type page allows create a new student group type. This way, student groups can be grouped by their type. There are additional properties that can be defined for each group of a particular type.
Each student group type can have a code, a name, and the following properties:
Keep Students Together
When set to true, the student scheduling solver will try to keep students of such groups together.
Disabled Sections
It is possible for certain student groups to allow students to enroll in classes that are disabled for student scheduling. The possible values are:
Not Allowed: students of such group are not allowed to see or enroll in disabled classes (this is the default)
Allowed With Group Reservation: students of such a group can enroll in a disabled class if there is a student group reservation for their group
Allways Allowed: students of such a group can enroll in any disabled class
Advisors Can Set
Advisors and admins can use the Online Student Scheduling Dashboard to add or remove a student from a group of this type
Save the new student group type and go back to the Student Group Types screen
Go back to the Student Group Types screen without saving this new status type