Curriculum Requested Enrollments
Screen Description
The Curriculum Requested Enrollments screen provides interface for entering requested enrollments for two or more curricula at the same time.
The screen is accessible e.g. from the Curricula screen - select two or more curricula and click on the option "Edit Requested Enrollment" in the menu that opens upon clicking on "More ∨" or the crossed ring column header.
For each curriculum, its line is equivalent to the Requested Enrollments line in the Edit Curriculum screen (except for the Total column)
Curriculum abbreviation
When the table header is clicked, a menu appears with options as follows
Show/Hide Projection by Rule
Show/hide estimated numbers of students derived from projections for majors
Show/Hide Current Enrollment
Show/hide the number of students of this curriculum who are enrolled in the course
Show/Hide Last-Like Enrollment
Show/hide numbers of students from above majors who took the course during the last-like semester
Show All Classifications
Show all classifications, including the empty ones
Hide Empty Classifications
Show only classifications that have positive requested or last-like enrollment
Sort by Curriculum
Sort by the curriculum abbreviation
Academic Classification
For each academic classification, it is possible to enter requested enrollment for a given curriculum
The menu that opens when the header is clicked is the same as for the Curriculum header, except that the last option is to sort by that academic classification
Total requested enrollments per classification
When the mouse is placed over a field in the table, a text appears displaying Curriculum, Academic Area, Major(s), and Academic Classification for which the requested enrollments should be entered in that field
Save (Alt+S)
Save the requested enrollments and go back to the Curricula screen
Back (Alt+B)
Go back to the Curricula screen without saving any changes
Print (Alt+P)
Print the screen as currently displayed