Edit Teaching Responsibility

Screen Description

The Edit Teaching Responsibility page can be used to change an existing teaching responsibility. Both instructor and coordinator assignment can have a teaching responsibility defined (optional). This allows, for instance, to distinguish between instructors, teaching assistants, course supervisors, graders, and other roles.

The user needs to have Teaching Responsibility Edit permission to be able to edit a teaching responsibility.. See Teaching Responsibilities for more details.


Beside of reference, name, and abbreviation, there is a flag defining whether the responsibility can be used on an instructor (Instructor column), on a coordinator (Coordinator column), whether the assignment should be visible in the reports (Auxiliary), not visible in the event management (Hide in Events) or not exported / sent to an external system (No Export).


Click Save to update the modified responsibility. Button Back will get you back to Teaching Responsibilities page without making any changes. Click Delete to delete the responsibility.

The buttons Previous and Next can be used to save the current teaching responsibility and get to the Edit Teaching Responsibility page for the previous / next responsibility.