Task Scheduler
Screen Description
The Task Scheduler page can be used to schedule periodic execution of the existing Scripts within the current academic session.
Each task has the following properties
Task name
Administrative user who created the task
Script to be periodically executed
Script parameters (depending on the script)
Dates when the script is to be executed
Start time
Created ... a task execution has been created and is scheduled to be executed
Queued ... a task execution is queued for the execution (only one script can be running at a time)
Running ... a task execution is being executed
Finished ... a task execution has finished
Failed ... a task execution has failed
More details can be seen when clicking on a task, including the log and output files for the executions that have already finished. This will show the Task Details page.
It is possible to roll scheduled tasks from one academic session to the next using the Roll Forward Session page. The dates are relative to the academic session start date.
Add New
Create a new task. When clicked, an Add Task dialog is shown where a new task can be created.
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